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World #1 Senior Tennis Player (mom)!

World #1 Senior Tennis Player (mom)!

The world’s best senior tennis player is Gwenda Ward, a 76-year-old grandmother, who is ranked top worldwide in doubles for her age group, and #1 in the U.S. for both singles and doubles.

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Movement is CRITICAL for Health!

Movement is CRITICAL for Health!

  We were born to move. Movement is the driver of all physiological properties in our bodies. Movement helps our blood flow, lungs expand, and even regulates our brain chemistry through oscillatory movement in our nervous system. Movement has a direct effect on...

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What a health setback taught me

What a health setback taught me

Okay, that was not how I wanted to spend my week… But surprise retinal surgery brings the opportunity to practice what we teach! Here are a few takeaways from my week spent face down and off my screens. When you're unaware of something, that means it’s working well I...

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You were born to move!

You were born to move!

Natural Movement training has been around for a while now, but MovNat Medical is building a foundation on how to incorporate it into a clinical setting. 

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