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Want to PREVENT Injuries & Get FIT? What should I focus on? Looking for a program you can do from HOME? We can help! Join us for Thursday's Workshop at 6:30 pm (2/13/25)! We Will Cover: Components to staying healthy Help you find what You Need with Self...
A good fitness program is critical, but knowing what YOU Need & how to stay healthy when you've had an injury can be a challenge! Click here to listen to Clarke's discussion on Three Problems the Fit to Thrive Program solves! Fit to Thrive is a comprehensive...
To stay Healthy an effective exercise program is important! But when you’ve had an injury, knowing what you need is difficult. Fit to Thrive is an 8 Week Intensive program designed by medical professionals, to help develop the skills needed to get Fit & stay...
The world’s best senior tennis player is Gwenda Ward, a 76-year-old grandmother, who is ranked top worldwide in doubles for her age group, and #1 in the U.S. for both singles and doubles.
We were born to move. Movement is the driver of all physiological properties in our bodies. Movement helps our blood flow, lungs expand, and even regulates our brain chemistry through oscillatory movement in our nervous system. Movement has a direct effect on our...
There is an ever-growing body of research showing injuries and diminished physical capability have more to do with the nervous system than muscles and joints.
Of those who experience back pain, as many as a third of them will go on to develop chronic symptoms. Here’s how to avoid being a statistic.
A recent study showed children and adults spend approximately 7.7 hours per day more than half of their waking time being sedentary… But a lack of mobility in large joints and the spine can lead to premature degeneration, arthritis, or even pain. Fortunately, mobility can be easily improved with a little Sweat Equity!
Arguably Our MOST Critical IQ is Less Frequently Talked About. There's your mental IQ, your emotional IQ… The most important — at least as far as we're concerned here at Thrive — is the one that doesn’t get talked about a whole lot: Movement IQ. What the heck is that?...
How Do You Know If Your Exercise Program is a Good One? How do you know if it’s taking you the RIGHT Direction of If Your are Headed Down a Path Towards an INJURY? This is a Great Question to Consider Before ANYTHING Negative Happens!